New RVs for Sale Near Kelowna & Kamloops, BC

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* Disclaimer: For a more in depth breakdown, click on the vehicle to view the detail page. While we make every attempt to list prices on our website as accurately as possible, in all cases buyers must see the dealer for official pricing details and credit qualifications for a price to be binding. Payments and financing available OAC.

* In such case that manufacturer incentives are listed, these represent possible cash incentives available for certain vehicles of this year/make/model. Not all incentives are available in all areas, on all trims/configurations, or to all buyers. As always, consult the dealer for official details and qualifications.

Country Camping is Salmon Arm's Go-to RV Dealer

Want to check out the latest and greatest in RV innovation? At Country Camping RV, we have a huge selection of brand new RVs for sale from an impressive lineup of manufacturers. The first time you take a new RV out on the road is an incredible experience, and our great prices make it possible for families of all shapes and sizes to find an RV they love. Find the ideal RV for you with payments that make sense for your family.

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3101 10 Ave SW, Salmon Arm, BC V1E 3K1